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Welcome to the “Have You Understood?” course for dyslexic children aged 4+.
Try 3 Activities, Just 10 Minutes Per Day!
Help teach a dyslexic child to show they have understood instructions.
This easy to follow course will help you:
- Check if the child has understood instructions and classwork.
- Give the child the tools to easily show they are struggling.
- Help the child get ideas down on paper quickly and easily.
Dyslexic children can struggle to understand instructions and to say that they are struggling. The activities below are designed to help the child communicate better.
***All the “Mooki Cards” featured in the videos are available as a free PDF copy. Claim your free Mooki cards copy now:) ***
Dyslexia Hearing Instructions
A dyslexic child may not understand instructions, so they do not complete a task or activity. It can appear that they are not trying or don’t want to follow instructions.
The child may not be able to follow instructions, because they struggle with:
- Verbal instructions
- Long words
- Lack of pictures
- Large chuck of information
- Unable to ask questions
Dyslexia can affect memory and the speed a child can take in information. Dyslexic children learn best using multi-sensory learning, to learn more see:
Top Tips Course
The 3 activities take just 10 mins per day:
- Aim to try all 3 activities in 1 week, what days will you do the tasks?
- Do them with the child, in a quiet place with no distractions.
- Do each task on different days, to stop the child becoming overwhelmed.
Remember this course is about giving the child the tools to communicate better. Encourage the child to use the tools below when doing home and classwork.
Task 1 Traffic Light System
Try Traffic Light System Card
Help the child show when they are struggling and need more support.
- Show the “Traffic Light System” card to the child.
- Explain to the child how they can use this card to get more help.
- Use the “Traffic Light System” card when completing tasks 2 and 3 below.
Task 2 Hear Instructions
Use Hear Instructions Card
Help the child show that they have understood instructions
- Ask the child to complete the tasks on the “Hear Instructions” card.
In the future when asking the child to complete a task. Ask them to repeat the instructions back to you, to ensure they have understood.
Everything You Need To Help A Dyslexic Child! Shop Now!
Task 3 Thought Tree
Try Thought Tree Card
Help the child to get their ideas and answers down on paper quickly and easily.
- Ask the child to create a mind-map using the “Thought Tree” card.
- The child can make the mind-map on a topic they are learning at school or something they enjoy doing.
- Use the “Traffic Light Card” from task 1 to check the child understands what they need to do.
Below is a worksheet that you can draw or print for use during the task.
How Did The Course Help?
- Can the child use the traffic light card, to show if they need help?
- Was the child able to repeat back the instructions?
- Did the Though Tree help the child get their ideas down on paper?
Courses To Join Next
The following course will help you learn how to help the child:
- Ages 4+ Learn New Words Course
- 10 Min Fun Games Course
- 10 Min Puzzles Word Soundsโ
- Ages 8+ Spell New Words Course
Helpful Articles
- Dyslexia Reading Aids, To Help Child Read & Write Easier
- How Dyslexics Learn: Teaching to the Dyslexic Strengths
- How to Teach Kids With Dyslexia to Read
- Top Teaching Methods for Dyslexic Children
- A Dyslexic Child In The Classroom
Everything You Need To Help A Dyslexic Child! Mooki Cards Shop Now!
All the cards are available as part of a “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet.
Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!