Week 5 Dyslexic Mum Bootcamp – Wellbeing Week

Welcome to week 5 of the Dyslexic Mum boot-camp. The theme this week is “Wellbeing Week”.

Note this bootcamp originally ran during the six week summer holidays. You can now do the bootcamp in your own time, by completing the activities below.

Week 5 is all about learning activities that may improve yours and your child’s wellbeing. These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Week 5 Wellbeing Week

These activities will only take ten minutes a day, but you can spend more time if you like.

Additional Resources

This week, we’re going to be working on your child’s and your emotional well-being. To help you both relax, recharge and reconnect with each other. By having fun together.

Dyslexia is about so much more than issues with reading and writing. Dyslexic children are more likely to have ADHD traits and can be easily overwhelmed by what is going on around them.

We’ll start by looking at the Calm Corner card. This will help your child feel more relaxed when learning, by creating a dyslexia friendly learning environment.

Next, we’ll help your child understand what they are doing well, with the Fact Based Praise card. Where you can learn to give lots of helpful praise to your child, to keep them motivated and to build their confidence.

The week then becomes all about you and your child having some time out from learning. To have fun and to recharge together by doing the Yes Day card. Then just 15 mins out of your day for yourself, by doing the Adult Champions Card. Before starting working on building your support bubble, looking after a dyslexic child can be challenging.

Finally the week will end with time to practise the words on the 100 word list. Using multi-sensory learning techniques, so your child does not even know they are learning. If you have completed the list or want to try more words. See the teaching toolbox for more word lists.

On-Line Support

Whilst you complete the boot camp, I’ll be available to answer your questions and provide support. If you complete the activities, feel free to take a picture and share it with the group. For on-line support join the “Dyslexia Mums Support Group U.K” on Facebook.

Mums Boot-Camp Diary

I completed the six week boot-camp, during the summer holidays. Doing the 10 activities each day with my own little girl. Here is how it went:

As a little girl I could not sit still and hated sitting at a desk. My little girl is the same, so the Calm Corner worked well. We agreed she needed to do just 10 mins writing practise, then she could play. She sat on a bean bag, with a tray, still wearing her pyjamas to do this. Having the clock counting down the 10 mins, helped her understand that playtime was coming soon.

My little girl will often come home from school with “Star of the Day” certificates. When I ask her why she got it, she will just say for doing well and does not really understand why. Doing this card made me realise that I do the same at home, telling her she is good, but never really saying why.

Today I made more effort to explain what she was doing well. Saying simple things like, “well done I only had to ask you once to switch off your computer, good listening”. Acknowledging her when she was being independent. Telling her, “that is a good girl, you brushed your teeth and this stops them getting cavities”. Showing that I could tell her reading was improving. “Amazing, you read a full page of your book on your own, this shows you are getting better at reading”.

Take time to treat myself is something I really have to work on. I feel guilty doing things for myself and often won’t stop until I burn out. Yet I know I am a better parent, when I am not tried and stressed. So this holidays when I found myself at the end of my tether, I booked soft play for two hours. It was break for me and chance to just sit and have a coffee. Afterwards I felt much happier, patient and engaged with my little girl.

I was a bit worried about having a Yes Day, putting my little girls in charge. Yet when I explained they could not do whatever they wanted. Instead they had a choice from the activities on the card they were fine. They really enjoyed doing this and it was simple to do. Before this I had really struggled to get my little girls away from the computer screens, any activities I suggested they would say no too. Yet being able to choose their own activity from the card, made them want to give it a try.

They choose to make cakes. We made Corn Flakes cakes, which were quick and cheap to make. My girls wanted to also choose the mystery activity, which I decided was a trip to the cinema. I know that my local cinema has a kids morning at weekends and during school holidays, tickets are only ยฃ2.50. So this was affordable and my girls enjoyed it.

My little girl is happiest when she is outside, free to move and run around. So we combined playing out with learning new word spellings. Simply using chalk to write the same word on outside walls, paving flags and trees. It was lots of fun and my little girl did not realise it was learning like at school.

Designed to help dyslexic children, “Mooki Cards“. Complete with 56 cards and storage wallet. Perfect for using at home or in the classroom. Order your “Mooki Cards” here!
